ABC’s of the World’s Religions

I’m not good with children, probably because I’m more self-absorbed and just as childish as any kid. That’s why you rarely see me review children’s books on this website. I’m not necessarily a good judge of what a kid would want to read. That said, I am familiar with MANY religions, which is why my curiosity was piqued when offered a chance to look at “ABC’s of the World’s Religions” by Rev. Vicki Michela Garlock, Ph.D. and illustrated by Raman Bhardwaj.

“ABC’s of the World’s Religions” has clever formatting. The left page acts like an infant’s “board book”, with the right page having just a bit more information for slightly older children. Bhardwaj’s illustrations are charming, in bold colors and sharp forms. Things I’ve been led to believe children like, and I certainly enjoyed.

What about the content itself? Since I have a lot of witchy types that read this website I’ll give it to you straight, you’re not in here. However, you’ll find Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Judaism, Islam, and the Baha’i faith all represented in the simple, sing song, text. Considering the nature of the book, the information is simplistic and lacks nuance, but there is nothing harmful to be found. It’s obvious Garlock took great pains to choose topics that highlight much of the universality of faith. A child that reads, or is read, this book will know about Menorahs, the Kaaba, relics, altars, and more. In my opinion, that makes for a pretty cool kid.

If you’re looking for a unique and educational book for kids this holiday season, I happily suggest checking out “ABC’s of the World’s Religions” by Rev. Vicki Michela Garlock, Ph.D.

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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