It is no secret that that I am a Claude Lecouteux fangirl. Honestly, I cannot imagine a topic he would write about that I wouldn’t want to read. That said, I was STOKED when I learned his next subject would be the Devil! Today we’ll be looking at “Tales & Legends of the Devil: The Many Guises of the Primal Shapeshifter” by Claude & Corinne Lecouteux.
Considering the subject matter, I assumed “Tales & Legends of the Devil” would be all about the Christian Bible, but of course, I was proven wrong. Lecouteux’s modus operandi is diving deep into medieval tales and folklore and examining how they evolve. In this case, we see how Pagan tales influenced the Church’s portrayal of Satan, and how, in turn, those portrayals influenced future stories about the Devil. In this book you’ll read tales from Finland, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, and more. Some of the stories made me chuckle, some were haunting, and a few had me pity the poor Devil in the tale.
I love Claude Lecouteux, so at this point the level of appeal for one of his books is from the subject matter. To the surprise of no one, I love the Devil as a character, making “Tales & Legends of the Devil” one of favorites from the author.
You can learn more here.
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