The Stained Glass Tarot

I love stained glass art. If you tell me you don’t, I know that you’re a liar, because everyone loves stained glass. You know what else I love? Tarot. I think it’s fairly well known that I have a tarot addiction, so all it took was the beautiful stained glass facade of James Edward’s “The Stained Glass Tarot: An Illuminated Journey through the Cards” to have me begging for a crack at a review copy.

The illustrations and writing are both done by James Edward, and you know I always love a deck creator and illustrator in one! And how beautiful is this deck? The artwork does an excellent job of capturing stained glass art while keeping the images clear enough to recognize the cards. It would be amazing if they could have printed the cards in such a way that you could have light shine through it, but I suspect it would take away a lot of the mystery of a deck shuffle and make for some flimsy cards.

“The Stained Glass Tarot” comes with a well written guidebook that features extensive perspectives on how to use the cards. Edwards explores the history of tarot in conjunction with Carl Jung, alchemy, numerology, and astrology. He also offers a variety of spreads that cater to the variety of reasons people consult the tarot.

Is James Edward’s “Stained Glass Tarot” breaking new tarot ground? No, but that is okay. This a beautifully illustrated deck, using excellent card stock, with an expertly written guidebook, presented in attractive packaging. It’s perfect just the way it is.

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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