Two Divine Feminine Oracles

It is no secret that when it comes to spirituality, I’m a lady who vibes with the Divine Feminine. That’s why I could not resist the opportunity to review “Maidens of the Wheel Oracle Deck” by Tammy Wampler and “Oracle of the Hekatean Path” by Kenn Payne and Chris Butler. “Maidens of the Wheel” focuses on “’sky dancers’, ‘bird women’, ‘swan maidens’, ‘goddesses’, ‘warriors’, and ‘guides to the afterlife. These maidens appear in the Sky Wheel, representing space or the unmanifested.” Whereas the “Oracle of the Hekatean Path” solely focuses on the goddess Hekate.

“Maidens of the Wheel” is a 43-card oracle deck featuring Artemis, Persephone, Sopdet, the Morrigan, and more. It comes with a nicely bound, full color, booklet that offers insights and background on each card. I appreciate that the booklet recommends my personal favorite method of using an oracle deck, which is the single card draw. However, Wampler outlines a practical, easy to follow, Wheel of the Year card spread as well. This is a thought-provoking deck, with beautiful art and quality card stock, that offers plenty of means of reflection.

You can learn more here.

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The other Divine Feminine style deck is “Oracle of the Hekatean Path” by Kenn Payne and Chris Butler. I wanted to explore this deck because despite being all up into goddesses, I don’t really know much about or work with Hekate, even though She is quite popular. The deck is 60 cards of digital art, and each has a number and a few key words. However, there are some issues. This deck did not come with a guide book of any sort. It’s highly unusual to not even have a flimsy paper book with information. Without much personal knowledge of Hekate, and no guide book, this deck is kind of a beautiful waste. There is enough information on the card that I can intuit a bit, but I know I’m missing out on a lot. If you’re of a Hekatean persuasion and up for an adventure, the “Oracle of the Hekatean Path” may be perfect for you.

You can learn more here.

 Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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