It is fair to say that there is no one way to witch.If there was, there wouldn’t be the overflowing cornucopia of witchcraft books available. Although yes, there witchcraft schools, or traditions, that are more setthan others, overall witchcraft is a build your system. And if you’re looking for a great way to explore the options, The Witch at the Forest’s Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Witchcraftby Christine Grace is an excellent choice.
Grace has crafted a magical book that explores what in her opinion are 13 key aspects to explore for those interested in witchcraft: worldview and spirituality, communing with spirits, spiritual ancestry, intuition, cultivating spirit senses, creating ritual, hedgeriding (a means release part of your consciousness from this world and travel, spiritually into the Otherworld to engage with spirits, gather new knowledge, hone magical skills, and create change), divination, theology, a green and local craft, the practical use of magical theory, spellcraft, and magical ethics. Taken as a whole, it creates a rich cosmology for her Forest’s Edge Tradition of Witchcraft. However, what I truly love about the book is Grace’s attitude of taking what you want from The Witch at Forest’s Edgeand not sweating the stuff that doesn’t resonate with you.
I guarantee that if you are interested in witchcraft AT ALL, you will find The Witch at Forest’s Edgeby Christine Grace a compelling read. It is a wonderful resource for those just dipping their toe into the wider world of witchcraft or for those seasoned witches that want to see how other witches practice their craft.
You can learn more here.
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