On Saturday October 28th Jim and I hopped in the car and took the much shorter trip to visit The Holistic Studies Institute in Albany, NY. We were visiting them to attend their Halloween Psychic Fair. Avid readers should note that this drive took us 15 minutes (even in the pouring rain) as opposed to the 3-4 hour drive we took on our last adventure!
Upon arrival we were greeted by Cathy, one of the people that helped organize the event. For those of you that have never attended a psychic fair, like myself, I have to tell you that it was not what I was expecting. I imagined booths of psychics lined up hawking their wares, cajoling you to try them. Instead I found an inviting and much more professional atmosphere. What happens at an H.S.I. fair is that you sign up on a list for a reading, which is only $25, and you’re given a time and a psychic on a little chit of paper. Then you wait, but it’s not a dull wait. They offer you refreshments like coffee and cookies, and they have various types of healers that give complimentary healings (more fun with that later). Also, when their office space is isn’t being renovated, which it is currently undergoing, they have a book store that sells new and used books. So there is plenty to do and see before you are within 10 feet of one of the psychics!
I had a reading set up with Lorrie De Marco for 1pm. I was told that she not only does readings, but she teaches the first year course in Psychic Development at H.S.I. At 1pm I was taken to a room that was reserved for readings. So not the psychic free for all I was imagining! Lorrie was very friendly. She asked me to give her a personal item, one that has only belonged to me. Lorrie asked me my first name and my date of birth and away we went. Obviously I’m not going to tell you what occurred during my reading, it was my readinggo get your own! I do want to tell you that Lorrie was a warm, comforting woman and I had a wonderful time speaking with her.
After the reading, I went around the corner to visit the healers. There were three vivacious women waiting for me. I was offered the option of Reiki Healing or Therapeutic Touch. I opted for Therapeutic Touch, which meant that I got worked over by Susan Ikenhoffer. She told me that most people after receiving Therapeutic Touch tend to be very relaxed, that was my experience too. Once Jim was done taking pictures of us that is!
The people at the Holistic Studies Institute were incredibly friendly and a lot of fun. They hold weekly séances (Fridays at 8:30 pm and Sundays at 6:00 pm) and I have every intention of visiting them for one of those sooner rather than later.
To learn more about the Holistic Studies Institute visit them at: www.holisticstudies.com
While you’re there you can sign up for their free newsletter that will give you a complete list of their numerous events and courses that they offer.
Since I had never had a reading before I was given a leaflet entitled, How to Get the Most Out of Your Psychic Reading. I figured I would share it with you, in case you visit H.S.I. for a reading.
*Seek a Psychic’s assistance when there is a sincere need.
*Be open-minded. Do not try to testa psychic or come with a prove it to me attitude. Judge the reading as it is being given to you. Listen calmly.
*Don’t make a psychic guess what you want from your reading. This only wastes valuable time in which your psychic could be answering your questions.
*Be prepared with a list of meaningful questions whether in writing or in your mind. This will help stimulate psychic impressions.
*Don’t expect a psychic to read your mind. It is your responsibility to ASK specific questions.
*Topics your psychic can tune into may include: travel, employment/career, family, friends, spirit family, spirituality, finances, health, relationships/romance, and education.
*Give your psychic an object that you own. This object should not be previously owned or any part of it previously owned by any other person. A watch, jewelry, keys, etc. work the best. This personal object will help the psychic get closer to your energy and use it as fuel for the reading.
*You may want to bring in photos. Psychics can draw a lot of information from a photo. Photos may be of living or deceased persons.
*Psychics do not see everything. However, they should tell you everything they see. If they see something negative, they will tell you, but they will also tell you how you can change or avoid the negative event. A code of ethics for a truly professional psychic should embody the saying to be forewarned is to be forearmed. This is one of the great values in going to a psychic. They can help prevent possible problems.
*Most psychics are also mediums. This means that they will receive information from your deceased loved ones. Your psychic may refer to these important people as spirits. You may want to give your psychic the name of your loved one in spirit, enabling them to tune in to the name and possibly give you a message from that person.
*Keep in mind, psychics are human beings like everyone else. Psychics are not always correct. However, most of our clients at H.S.I. return for more readings because they are pleased with our 80%-100% accuracy rate. By most standards this accuracy is exceedingly high.
*Psychics at H.S.I. do not use Tarot cards. Our experience tells us that Tarot cards and other such props are less accurate and tend to be very general.
Enjoy yourself and have a great reading!
I did enjoy myself and I had a great reading!