After a full day at work my husband Jim and I set off for fun and adventure in Malone, NY. We had been invited to a Friday the 13th party to benefit the Northern New York Paranormal Research Society, also known as NNYPRS. So after a rushed meal at our local Moe’s (Tip for the Traveler: A rushed meal of quasi Mexican food is NOT the way to start out a 3 hour drive! There was a lot of burping going on!) and a quick stop to fill up the tank we hit the road.

The drive up north started out beautiful. Northern NY has lovely views of foliage and suddenly Jim and I understood why someone would drive somewhere just to look at leaves. Then it got dark. The roads got curvy going through the mountains, and our MapQuest directions became more and more questionable. Fortunately, Merrill McKee, President and Co-Founder of the NNYPRS, had emailed me his preferred directions and they got us to our luxurious Super 8 accommodations without issue.

Once we got our stuff situated at the hotel, it was time to meet Merrill and his team members face to face for the first time. The benefit was held at a restaurant/bar called Spotted Willy’s. Jim and I had no idea what to expect from this place. The restaurant portion was very attractive and the food smelled wonderful, the party was held in the back tavern which was rustic and cozy, complete with a functional fireplace.

This was where Jim and I met Merrill, Angie, Dale, Dave, Nick, and friends of the NNYPRS. It’s clear to see they are a group of people that take paranormal investigation seriously, and try not take life as seriously. Merrill was an outgoing host and also was the provider of the entertainment since he owns the DJ company that was playing music and offering up karaoke. Let me tell you that Merrill and his wife Angie are fantastic singers! Jim and I were both incredibly impressed at Angie’s vocal stylings! To help raise some money there were raffles for a free session with Dale, NNYPRS co-founder and resident psychic, $100 off the DJ services of M-n-M Entertainment, which is Merrill’s DJ company, and for a $20 gift certificate for Spotted Willy’s. Needless to say, I bought 4 tickets in the hopes of a reading with Dale! Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. All in all it was a casual event where alcohol was consumed, music was played, and conversations were had. At 11pm, which is way past my bedtime, Jim and I headed back to the Super 8 to rest up for the following days big event, the Metaphysically Speakinggathering where Merrill was going to be the guest speaker.

I woke up to silence. The kind of deep silence that tells you something is wrong. I rolled over to see what time the digital clock had, and it was black. That’s right, the power went out. Jim and I attempted to get a good nights rest after that revelation, but we both tossed and turned and essentially slept like crap. At 7am there was still no power! After some discussion of what this could mean, we decided to get dressed and head over to Massena, NY where the Metaphysically Speakinggroup was meeting and hopefully there was power. As we got closer to Massena we started to notice lights. With great relief we pulled into Spankie’s to have a greasy diner breakfast.

Metaphysically Speakingis a group that meets once a month at the public library in Massena, NY. The group is coordinated by Bob Leboeuf, an incredibly friendly man who is well versed in metaphysics and the hosting of this event. The event runs from 1pm to 4:30pm with a half hour break in the middle. Merrill was the guest speaker. He did a brief introduction of his organization and what they do and then opened the floor to questions. The group quizzed him on topics as close to what he does as how to identify hauntings, to as incredibly unrelated as dream interpretation. Merrill handled all the questions with great enthusiasm and demonstrated an extensive knowledge of all things paranormal, but also in most things metaphysical as well. Even with no sleep Merrill was able to keep me engaged and entertained.

Jim and I had a great time and made some wonderful friends, but at 4:30 the road was calling and we had to start the 4 hour journey home. At the end of the day, we were exhausted but happy to have made the trip.

To learn more about the Northern New York Paranormal Research Society visit: www.nnyprs.com

If you need a great DJ in upstate NY visit: www.mnmdj.com

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