Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia

Back in 2020 I reviewed “Crystal Basics: The Energetic, Healing & Spiritual Power of 200 Gemstones” by Nicholas Pearson. I declared the book as “destined to be a classic” and couldn’t image what Pearson could possibly do next.

Now we know, “Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia: The Energetic, Healing & Spiritual Power of 450 Gemstones.”

Take ALL the information about working with crystals, what they are, charging them, correspondences, etc. from “Crystal Basics” and SMOOSH it into a tight 40 pages. Then offer over DOUBLE the original entries about specific crystals, and you’ve got the “Pocket Encyclopedia.” The individual entries appear to have just as much information, just in a smaller font. That said, the OG “Crystal Basics” has a lot to offer, with more information and an easier to read larger font. I hate to be that, “get them both” reviewer, but having both would be an absolute boon to the serious crystal enthusiast. However, if you don’t mind smaller fonts, are looking to save a little cash, or like the idea of carrying a crystal reference book with you when visiting your local metaphysical book shop, “Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia” is the one to get.

Nicholas Pearson, in my opinion, is the greatest living expert on all aspects of everything crystal. His work is concise and accessible, and any person interested in crystals should have at least one of his books on their shelves.

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy of Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia here or the original Crystal Basics here. (These are affiliate links to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Hagitude and Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It’s diagnosed after you’ve gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. Menopause is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health.” In spite of the fact that menopause can be triggered for a variety of reasons and that the whole journey can last 20 years or so, Western society at best treats menopause as a joke, and at worst, as some sort of disease that shouldn’t be acknowledged or discussed.

Perhaps that is why I’ve stumbled across not one, but two different books that recently released that discuss the menopausal years. Today we’re looking at “Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life” by Sharon Blackie and “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging: Finding Your Power through the Changing Seasons” by Cait Johnson. Both authors work to reframe the discussion of feminine aging with a perspective towards transformation and cycles, not endings.

Sharon Blackie’s “Hagitude” is equal parts personal memoir and mythological meditations on aging. Menopause is an alchemical process that forges and transforms. Blackie shares her story, but pairs it with stories of female figures from history and legend.

Cait Johnson’s “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” is divided into four parts, reflecting the four seasons. Each season is represented by a witch to offer guidance and regale you with tales of iconic females. “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” features spells, rituals, and DIY projects to help the reader.

So, what book is right for you? Both attempt the momentous task of trying to undue the cultural dominance of youth, and for that alone both deserve praise. “Hagitude” is the more thoughtful book. Sharon Blackie writes with a literary flare that makes for inspired reading. “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” strength lies in action. Cait Johnson has conveys a great personality in her writing, but her book differs in that it features things to do, not just reflect on.

You can learn more about “Hagitude” here.

You can learn more about “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” here.

You can get your own copy of “Hagitude” here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

You can get your own copy of “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Happy Witch

More and more often, I’m finding books about witchcraft intersecting with self-help. It is an easy fit, but I always carry a bit of skepticism when approaching a self-help/wellness book and dressing it up in a witch’s hat doesn’t change that. Fortunately, there are authors out there doing it right, and today’s book, “Happy Witch: Activities, Spells, and Rituals to Calm the Chaos and Find Your Joy” by Mandi Em is one of them.

“Happy Witch” comfortably walks the line with being positive without becoming toxic and being realistic without discouraging aspirations. Em divides the book into six chapters, which breaks down as:

Be Free by laying the groundwork for a magically empowered mindset.
Be Wild by connecting with nature and leaning into rewilding as a source of joy.
Be Playful by inviting play and creativity into your life through spells and rituals designed to heal and delight your inner child.
Be Still by unearthing bliss in the quieter work of your witchy practices, exploring your shadows to find the light.
Be Connected by using relational magic to enjoy your connections with yourself and others on a deeper level.
Be Soulful by embodying the magic you want to see in the world.

The subtitle is accurate, Em provides a bevy of spells, activities, and rituals in each chapter. They generally feature readily available items and utilize beginner friendly magical concepts. In “Happy Witch”, witchcraft is a tool, not a religion, that when used effectively can positively affect your life. This book is certainly beginner friendly, being perfect for those looking to dip their toe in witchcraft, or for a witch looking to integrate a little more self-care into their practice.

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Tuesdays in Jail

This is an excerpt from the incredibly moving book “Tuesdays in Jail: What I Learned Teaching Journaling to Inmates” by Tina Welling.

What do you want me to do with this?” Phillip asked me and nodded to the journal I’d passed to an officer to give him.

Phillip looked to be in his late thirties, healthy, strong, very attentive, and nicely mannered. Called me ma’am. But I saw something behind those hazel eyes. Chaotic mind spins, I suspected, that kept his thoughts circling like hungry coyotes around an injured elk. He came down to meet with me alone from being locked up in a maximum-security cell. He was still locked up, but so was I, since we each sat in a separate locked-down room divided by a grate. This is typically the way I meet with maximum security inmates when I conduct my weekly journaling workshops at my local county jail.

I told him that the journal was his, adding that no one in my seven years had ever had a journal taken away from them or read by anyone.  “However,” I said, “don’t incriminate yourself.” I explained that journaling was all about the inner life — thoughts, emotions, memories, dreams, fears, and hopes. I said, “Write about that.”

I suggested we do a quick exercise, my old standby for when I had no clues yet about what an inmate needed.  “Name three people you admire and enjoy.  They can be real people or movie or book characters, dead or alive, family members or strangers.” Next I asked him to write down the qualities he admired about these people. I gave him a few minutes, and then I asked about his list.  “Did you come up with three people?”

Phillip said, “Yes, ma’am. I put down my uncle, my older brother, and my grandfather.”

“And what did you put down for the characteristics you admire in them?”

Phillip read from his journal.  “Honesty, trustworthiness, hardworking, fun to be around, kind, intelligent, interesting, real likable. Ma’am.”

I said, “All those qualities belong to you too, Phillip, or at least the potential for them, the seed of them, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to recognize them in others.”

He looked stunned.

His eyes glistened.

Then a faint smile.  Then the smile grew bigger and Phillip got excited. He dropped the “yes, ma’ams.”

“Dude, you don’t know what you just did for me. Dude, you don’t know what you just said. Aw, dude.”

He blinked back tears.

I blinked back mine.

“I talk shit to myself. I’m up there in that crummy cell all alone and I tell myself what a piece of crap I am and I just want to  …  you know.”

I didn’t know. But after he told me his older brother was his idol and that he had committed suicide this past year, I guessed I did know. But this moment felt as if a skinny beam of light was shining into deep darkness.

I assigned Phillip homework.  “This week fill a couple of pages in your journal with a list of your good qualities. And then you’ll have this to remind yourself.”

Our time was up.

Why were we all so hard on ourselves, so quick to absorb blame, feel shame, head for the lowest possible judgment of ourselves? I was guilty of this.  The first hint of an edgy relationship, and I’m all over myself like ants on a picnic crumb, devouring my actions and words, finding fault in both. I used the harshest language on myself, set higher standards for my actions than for anyone else’s. It could take a long time of self-recrimination for me to realize who I was at heart, to revive trust in my worthiness.

I like to tell the inmates a story I heard from my meditation teacher about a time when the Dalai Lama met with a large group of American Buddhist teachers who had gathered in Dharamsala, India.

The Dalai Lama asked, “What is the biggest issue for American spiritual seekers?”

The Buddhist teachers said, “Self-esteem.”

But the Dalai Lama didn’t understand what the term meant.

The Americans tried to translate it for him. After several attempts to explain, one teacher said, “They don’t love themselves.”

And the Dalai Lama cried.

About Tina Welling:
Tina Welling is the author of Tuesdays in Jail: What I Learned Teaching Journaling to Inmates. She also wrote four other books, as well as nonfiction that has appeared in national magazines and seven anthologies. The recipient of a Wyoming Arts Council writing fellowship, she has been conducting her Writing Wild workshops for ten years. Visit her online at

Excerpted from the book from “Tuesdays in Jail: What I Learned Teaching Journaling to Inmates”. Copyright ©2022 by Tina Welling. Printed with permission from New World Library.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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911 from your Soul: Are you being called?

By Jeanine Thompson

Life is a spiritual journey. Every breath, every relationship, every joy and sorrow are calling you to remember who you really are, and to be and experience all that you came here for. Our discomforts, challenges, and even crises are invitations to free ourselves, expand our wings and rise into our highest expression—for ourselves, for those we love, and for all of humanity.

For each of us, there will come a time when our Soul longs to birth something for us and through us. Often this is the thing that we most strongly resist, are afraid of, or think we aren’t ready for. When we ignore the call, it doesn’t go away; it gets louder. Eventually, it becomes a 911.

Tune in and see if any of these are resonant for you.

• You feel lost and unsure about the trajectory of your life, and the traditional resources that served you in the past are no longer working.
• Things that used to bring you joy are falling flat.
• You feel a persistent yearning—like something is missing or off.
• You run from opportunity to opportunity, looking for some trace of your old spark.
• You’re being asked to radically change some aspect of your life (or life seems to be forcing such a change on you), and some part of your familiar identity has been shaken or stripped away.
• You are hiding out or playing smaller than you know is possible for you.
• You are grappling with the bigger questions in life, such as, “What is the purpose of life? Who am I, and what am I here to do?

We all undergo challenges in life and not all become a 911. The distinction with a 911 is that there is a magnetic pull deep within ourselves, a luring forward, that accompanies the challenge. There is a bubbling-up of new questions that, try as you might, you can no longer brush over, sweep aside, or avoid. It might speak loudly; it might scream. Or it might whisper subtly, yet with such persistence that you simply cannot ignore it.

Ultimately, it prompts a holy reassembly of who you are, and who you know yourself to be. Life is speaking, and it’s asking you to grow beyond where you’ve been.

During a 911, you may wake up to everything you’ve been keeping yourself too busy to acknowledge, and all the ways you’ve been squeezing yourself into a box you didn’t create or desire. All the parts of you seeking growth and evolution are calling for your attention. You may be directed to take action you don’t understand or have feared. You may be invited to embody greater courage, truth, and alignment—to step into the space of the “and,” where all of you can be present and find room to thrive.

You’ve always been in search of this, whether you are aware of it or not. At the core of you is a deep, primal longing—a longing to meet yourself and live in union with the sacred, which is within, beyond, and all around you.

And yet, we miss or deny that call for months, even years. Why? Because it works for us not to address the struggle. We often prefer the pain of the familiar to the fear of the unknown. As long as life is still working (sort of), we see no reason to blow it all up. Why rock the boat that’s still afloat?

I think we’ve lost sight. We’ve forgotten we are more than human beings that do and acquire and produce. We deeply crave love, beauty, awe, and wonder. We crave freedom and belonging. We crave to potentiate to our fullest nature. Still, we don’t allow ourselves to actually go there.

When was the last time you let a sunset take your breath away, or really listened to the sound of the ocean waves as the salty air caressed your face? When was the last time you felt totally at peace, or connected to something bigger than yourself? When was the last time you felt true freedom? When was the last time you had a sacred experience, or knew that you mattered?

This is what your Soul is calling you home to. You are longing for a path back to your sacred self.

Will you listen? Will you hear those 3:00 a.m. whispers, that quiet voice? Will you make the choice to go where you’re being called?

Along my wild, not-at-all linear journey from psychotherapist to Fortune 50 Executive to Transformational Coach, I nevertheless accessed seven clear spiritual principles which I collectively call The Soul Solution for a 911 from your Soul. These 7 principles (Soul – Mind – Body – Heart – Gratitude – Service – Love) provide a blueprint for daily living as you invite the truth of who you are to come forward and take the helm in your life. They are statements to live by and also deep wells of wisdom that empower you to live in greater harmony with your truest nature and your human experience.

I’ve been a hospice volunteer since graduate school, both formally and informally. Often, as I sit with people whose physical lives are ending, they speak about the years flying by in the blink of an eye. Nearly all of them thought they had more time. More time to enjoy life and do all of things they had put off until a better time. More time to make a different choice. More time to have that difficult conversation. More time to be the person they knew they could become. And then—bam! Life shifted, and suddenly they were living their last days or months in this round of Earth School. They spoke with such clarity and conviction about what really mattered—connection, relationships, love—and what, in retrospect, did not matter at all.

The lesson from these beautiful souls is clear: if you want a life with no regrets, seize the precious, gifted moments now. Peace and joy are enlivened by the deep knowing that you gave it your all and left nothing on the table.

So, if you are feeling the pull …

If you are hearing the whisper …

If you are at a critical point of choice in your life, and you’re being called forward into the unknown … your Soul is speaking and inviting you to embark on a quest. Not the kind that will take you to a far-away landscape where your current life seems only a dream, but one that will take you deeper into yourself.

You are more than you know yourself to be. You are limitless, infinite, and whole.

Now is your time to answer the call. For you, for others and for all of humanity.

About Jeanine Thompson:
Jeanine Thompson is a Transformational Coach, speaker, and author whose breadth of knowledge and experience spans multiple disciplines and professional expressions from clinical psychotherapy to global business to advancing spiritual growth. She shares her journey and how others can reach their full potential in her first book, “911 From Your Soul” (World Changers Media, Sept. 6, 2022).

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Cultivating Grace

I am fortunate that I get offered the opportunity to review lots of books and decks. If you’re part of my Patreon, you’ve seen my reasoning behind some of the items I’ve chosen to review. When I was offered a copy of the deck “Cultivating Grace: Access Inner Peace, Clarity, and Joy on Your Spiritual Path” by Miranda Macpherson I accepted, and I could not tell you why. It didn’t look awful, but it also didn’t seem like something I would enjoy, and yet, I wanted to review it. I’m glad I did.

“Cultivating Grace” is a remarkably well-thought-out deck for self-reflection and discovery. The 64-card deck is divided into 4 categories of cards: Grounding in Grace, Receiving Blessings of Grace, Transforming Power of Grace, and Embodying Grace. Macpherson considers grace a nondenominational direct experience of the Divine, a felt experience of the Sacred, that is the practical key to gaining traction on your spiritual path and finding true fulfillment.

Each card features beautiful art by Anna Kuptsova and ideas to reflect on and practice. Macpherson’s appreciation of classic spiritual thought is obvious when reading the accompanying guidebook, and unlike some decks I highly recommend reading the guidebook as it offers much more than just card descriptions. Also, I just need to mention, you get the beautiful 64-card deck, which comes in a lovely fabric bag and a full-color 176-page guidebook, all in a compact, sturdy box for the suggested retail price of $18.99. That’s just shockingly reasonable.

“Cultivating Grace” by Miranda Macpherson is scheduled to come out in September, but you can preorder it now.

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Seven years ago, new age musicians Paul Avgerinos and Kevin Braheny Fortune won a Grammy for their album “Grace.” An album, that I would like to point out, I gave a positive review at the time. I was happy to learn that Avgerinos and Fortune have worked together to release a new album that feels like the spiritual successor to “Grace”, “Joy.”

Interestingly, the titles of the tracks form a poem that is supposed to express the true nature of real joy.

Joy Is



Rivers of Light

Maybe it’s because I listened to it while at work, but “Joy” had me wistfully watching the birds through my office window. Whereas the last album I reviewed, David Arkenstone’s “Music Inspired by Middle Earth Volume II” had my pulse quicken with a sense of adventure, Avgerinos’ “Joy” seemed to say, “Slow down. Take in the moment.”

“Joy” would be wonderful way to ease into your morning or with which to reflect on your day. If you’re interested, check out the video below.

You can learn more here.

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10 Questions with Mike Nevitt

Today we’re talking with Mike Nevitt about his life as a full-time yoga and meditation instructor and his adorable and humorous new book “The Lighter Side of Yoga.”

1. What first drew you to the practice of yoga?
Like so many others I was initially drawn to the practice of yoga as a way to control stress and find some mental balance and calm.

2. What made you decide to become a full-time teacher of yoga and meditation?
After a while of practicing I realised that I loved what it offered more and more, it became a lifestyle and eventually I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. My move towards becoming a full time teacher was a very natural and organic process. I didn’t take any formal teacher training, just shared with small groups what I had learned. The small groups became bigger and bigger and I just became a very well-known teacher in the UK. No one ever asked to see any formal qualifications.

3. Did you always have a sense of humor about the yoga/spiritual space, or was it something that developed with time and experience?
I have a deep respect for yoga and meditation and if anything I always took myself, and the practice a little too seriously. The sense of humour thing was something that developed gradually, especially as I became more and more disillusioned with trends that were occurring within the modern yoga scene. Even though the cartoons in the book can be seen as funny, each of them contains a statement that is more grounded in truth than humour.

4. What inspired you to start creating comics about the foibles of those who practice and teach yoga and meditation?
I think it was just a rising frustration and increasing dismay with the ‘yoga scene’ As I say in my introduction to the book I did a little scribble one day of a guy disturbing everyone in relaxation by answering a call on his phone. I posted it online and it got a huge positive response. To get such a large response from people identifying with the situation was like therapy. Inspired I did another scribble and that also got a large response. So began the process of pouring out all these little scribbles which ultimately turned into the book ‘The Lighter Side of Yoga’.

5. You have a few recurring characters in your comics. Do you have a personal favorite and why?
Cosmic Johnny is my favourite character, I love him, he’s me! He’s completely out there and crazy with ideas and contemplations!

6. How do you create your comics? Do you draw it freehand, use software, a combination of both?
I draw the initial cartoon as a freehand line drawing and then take it into some paint software to add colour and text.

7. Yoga and meditation with music or without? If with, what do you like for it?
Yoga sometimes with music, usually a relaxing background mantra. Meditation is always in silence for me, absolute contemplation of breathing in and breathing out and the ‘feeling’ of the present moment. Nothing else.

8. What do you find to be common misconception about yoga?
The classic ‘You have to be flexible to do yoga and the equally classic ‘I can’t do meditation, my mind is just too busy’

9. What’s next? Do you have any upcoming projects that my readers should be aware of?
Yeah, a number of exciting new projects that I’m getting together to present to my publisher. First one is titled ‘A journey through Strange with Cosmic Johnny and Yogi Mike’ It’s basically me and Cosmic Johnny sharing our thoughts and contemplations about meditation, the mind, the universe, consciousness, time travel and the delights of a fine red wine. The second is titled ‘Running for the Swings’ which is a collection of magical memories from my childhood growing up in poverty on a harsh northern council estate in the UK.

10. Parting shot! Ask us at The Magical Buffet any one question.
Your page is amazing, why do you not have more followers?!
Obviously not everyone has such refined taste as yourself.

About Mike Nevitt:
Mike Nevitt has been a practitioner and full-time teacher of yoga and meditation for over 25 years and has led workshops and seminars worldwide. He was formerly a graphic designer and commercial artist working in advertising agencies and design studios in the UK. You can find him at The Lighter Side of Yoga on Facebook and you can find his book here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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Music Inspired by Middle Earth

Anyone who has ever drifted into the new age realm has heard of David Arkenstone. However, you may be surprised at how many places you have heard his Grammy nominated instrumentals, including the video games World of Warcraft and Earth and Beyond, shows on the History Channel and Discovery Channel, and even the Kentucky Derby.

Recently, his new album “Music Inspired by Middle Earth Volume II” released. It’s a follow up to “Music Inspired by Middle Earth” that debuted 20 years ago. Arkenstone has frequently looked to Tolkien for inspiration so another return to Middle Earth was destined to happen.

The music is cinematic, featuring full orchestral arrangements. The arrangements capture the feeling of the subject matter so well that I frequently found myself second guessing as to whether or not I had heard this music in the “Lord of the Rings” films. They have not, but so true to the spirit that this now has ingrained itself in my mind as the score.

If you miss Middle Earth, consider this David Arkenstone’s invitation to you to return.

Enjoy this video of “Shadowfax and the White Rider.”

You can learn more here.

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The Lighter Side of Yoga

Mike Nevitt gets it. I’ve never met the long-time yoga and meditation instructor, but his voice, and his humor, resonates with anyone who has worked in a service industry and/or has interacted with “spiritual” communities. His comic strips, compiled into “The Lighter Side of Yoga”, is a guaranteed good time.

Nevitt’s adorable doodles tell immediately familiar stories of competitive enlightenment, tipsy yoga practice, hijinks at spiritual retreats, vegan humor, and so much more. You’ll find yourself chuckling and nodding in agreement as you read over a hundred strips. I found myself considering removing individual pages of the book just to frame and hang on my wall.

At a reasonable price, cute art, and amusing, observational humor, I highly recommend getting yourself a copy of “The Lighter Side of Yoga.”

You can learn more here.

Get your own copy here. (This is an affiliate link to my Bookshop, which supports independent bookstores throughout the United States. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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