The Watkins Tarot Handbook

There are plenty of book out there devoted to tarot. Some our devoted to using tarot to divine the future, and many more discuss using the tarot as a tool for self-reflection. When I was offered the opportunity to review “The Watkins Tarot Handbook: A Practical System of Self-Discovery” by Naomi Ozaniec, I was expecting a vaguely new age, self-help book that utilized tarot. What I got was a jaw dropping, initiatory experience.

Ozaniec’s reading of tarot is that, “The language of the Tarot is that of the symbol in many forms: numerical, mythical, elemental, zodiacal, alchemical and Hermetic,” and that it’s, “a visual representation of the Western Esoteric Tradition.” This certainly isn’t the first book about tarot that I’ve seen make these observations, however “The Watkins Tarot Handbook” exceeds expectations when it comes to proving its point. Sure, like many books about tarot, you’ll find images of classic tarot cards, but in this book, you’ll also see the Wheel of Correspondences (as produced by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki), Strephon Kaplan Williams model of The Seven Archetypes, a table of Hebrew letters, the Tree of Life, the Psychosynthesis Egg, and so much more. Ozaniec’s version of tarot is a full-on initiation in the Western magical traditions.

“The Watkins Tarot Handbook” by Naomi Ozaniec is an amazing resource for any interested in anything occult. This book teaches you tarot and just so much more.

You can learn more here.

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