The Magian Tarok

“Why aren’t more people talking about this book? Are people talking about this book? Did I miss people talking about this book?” These questions continually raced through my mind while reading “The Magian Tarok: The Origins of the Tarot in the Mithraic and Hermetic Traditions” by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.

Over the years I’ve heard many stories about the origin of the tarot. Perhaps I’m not well read, or maybe I never dug far enough, but I don’t recall ever hearing about Mithraic origins. Not until “Magian Tarok”. Flowers explores the Major Arcana through the prism of Mithraic symbolism. Mithraism is a mystery cult that’s roots run through most of the ancient world. “Magian Tarok” does a great job explaining and exploring the subject.

As he gets into the spread of Mithraism to the Greco-Roman empire, Flowers explores how the magical alphabet, Stoeicheia, also relates to the tarot. Curious about Stoeicheia? Don’t worry, the book goes into the subject as well.

Flowers doesn’t discuss how to use the tarot, but I can’t help but feel like anyone interested in the tarot would benefit from reading “Magian Tarok”. Understanding the roots and evolution of the tarot can help bring a fresh perspective and new appreciation of the modern tarot deck.

You can learn more here.

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